Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Reader 2... Kolb's learning cycle.

In Reader 2, The Reflective Practitioner, we are introduced to Kolb's learning cycle. He uses a cycle to show how we have an experience and then reflect on it, but basically he is saying that people enter the cycle at all different times depending on their circumstances and how they reflect
Concrete Experience, which is having your experience.
Reflective Observation, this is reflecting on the experience.
Abstract Conceptualisation, this is concluding and learning from the experience.
Active Experimentation, which is planning and trying out what you have learnt.

In the reader it asks you to identify at which point in Kolb's cycle do you feel you enter learning?
I feel like depending on what I am learning about or what I have been asked to do I enter the cycle at a different point. In the reader it talks about when we were making our blog. For this circumstance I
would say I entered at Reflective observation as I looked at so many peoples blogs to see how it worked as I had never used a blog before. I would also say  that I learnt from also trying things out so Active experimentation because once I set my blog up I took time to try out different layouts, fonts etc so I was experimenting and changing things to see which ones worked best for me.

If I take  the event a couple of days ago, which I talked about in my previous blog,were i was observing a dance class here I entered the cycle at Reflective observation because I was learning from the teacher and watching what went good and bad for her but I think when I eventually teach the class myself I am going to enter the cycle somewhere different like Concrete experience because actually being up there in front of children and teaching I am going to be actively thinking and reflecting what I am doing and what is and is not working!

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