Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Task 3c- Sources of information!

Task 3c- Sources of information 

In this task we have been asked to identify our current 5 most important sources of information that help us in our professional networking. After some thinking I have came up with the top five, although there is some more I could add, but these I feel are the most valuable.

My friends 

I feel that this is one of my most important ways of networking and the one I enjoy the most. It doesn't feel like work or an effort for me to socialise and see my friends but I always gain some information from it. I could be meeting for a coffee or even a cheeky glass of wine and a conversation will always come up about an audition one of my friends may be attending that I had not heard about and now I have the opportunity to look it up. Or for example as we all know in this industry we are not always lucky enough to be performing all the time so it is nice to hear what other people are working on In-between jobs and get some ideas and contacts of them so you can apply for a part time job they have been doing . Meeting with friends is also about cooperation. Obviously if you are handing them lots of information about work and auditions and they are sitting there giving you nothing back then you need to maybe not have such a big mouth as you don't want to give everything and receive nothing back but I think we all know the people you can rely on. Its great to be able to talk with people who have the same interests and you and also give each other support as well as gaining some information for future opportunities.

Web 2.0

At the beginning of this module we looked at how effective the web 2.0 was in our professional practice. It is such a valid source of information. Without being able to send emails I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be to apply for jobs and casting agencies. It is so quick and easy to be able to upload your CV and head shots and send it to a casting director. Also the websites such as spotlight,casting call pro, and the stage are all excellent sites to be able to access on the Internet. Yes ok you can buy the stage newspaper in the shop but how about a circumstance happens when you abroad and you can't do that... Well with the Internet you can view that newspaper anywhere in the world and see what auditions are coming up. It's amazing!

Social networking sites

I go on my Facebook and twitter accounts so many times in a day... It's actually a little obsessive. I am not always going on there for work related reasons, most of the time just to be nosey at what all my contacts are up to but I can guarantee that most of the times I am on there I see information about an audition that someone has posted or something related to my profession which can help me in my future. Somebody may even update there status about a bad audition that they have had and you might not have spoken to that person in along time but seeing them on your news feed can make you get back in touch with them which then could open more doors for you as they are more than likely to have something coming up they might like to share information about with you. Also since beginning this course I have been introduced to blogs which I find is a great source of networking and will continue to use hopefully even after completing my degree.

My mobile phone 

Where I would be without my mobile phone I do not know. I am on it all the time. Especially nowadays they are so amazing, you can do everything on them. It is such an essential part of your profession that you have a phone so that your agent or a company that you have auditioned for can contact you. Also the technology on phones now are so great you can type in a location of somewhere you have to be and Your phone will direct you to it, you can find train times and if there's going to be a delay. It's important to have your phone on you all the time so if an emergency happens, for example you are going to be late to teach a class or unable to make a casting you can call up whoever you need to straight away.

My agent

My agent is the one source that can get me most of my auditions, or even better so the auditions that are private and more suitable for what it is I want to be auditioning for.
They have been part of the industry for a lot longer than me and have more valuable contacts and knowledge that can help me to further my career. My agent gives me advice on cv,s and head shots and knows what roles I am suitable for.

Like I mentioned earlier these are only some of the sources of information that play a vital part in developing and benefiting my profesional practice.  Professional networking is a highly important part of your career and I understand how important it is to engage and expand on them all of the time.


  1. Hi Chelsie!

    I never would have thought of my phone as a source of information but of course it is. As you said, you want your agent to be able to get hold of you any time, especially if they have good news! For me as a teacher, the owner of the school, parents and adult students are always calling me to let me know changes in plans etc, so yes I think my mobile is also a good source of information!


  2. About the phone - is it more about communication or information?
