Monday, 10 December 2012

Out of the loop!!!!

Hello uni world!!!

Haha. It's been a while since I've been on here so I thought while I have a second I should get back in touch with the bloging world.
So I thought I was on track with the work this module and that I had left myself enough time to complete the tasks and then to start drafting my essay but then about a week ago I had a phone call from my agent to tell me that if I was available, the company I had worked for last Christmas needed someone for their pantomime as one of the girl dancers was injured.
As all of you in this industry know, being offered any work in what we love to do is fantastic news but I had actually booked to go to Florida this Christmas with my family as I though I wasn't working over the Christmas period this year so the decision weather to take the job or not came at quite a struggle to me. I know most of you reading this are probably thinking that the decision is easy.... go to Florida... a holiday of lifetime. But after weighing up the pros and cons( very quickly, as I didn't have much time to get back to my agent) I decided to take the job at pantomime. I have been to Florida quite a few times and recently I had been feeling quite down as to were my career was going so to be given the opportunity to dance again, which I hadn't done in quite  along time seemed like a blessing.
But now my only worry is fitting in the time to get my work done for this degree. I literally had two days to move everything from London to Bradford, find somewhere new to live and then I started rehearsals which have been non stop everyday. I am absolutely loving dancing and performing again but the rehearsal weeks are always the hardest and I find myself being so tired when I get home at night I don't have the energy to do any work. Obviously if I would have known I was going to be doing this job I would have been more prepared and got most of my degree work done before it began. But that is life, and these sort of things happen, so now I am settling more into my new home and my poor body is getting used to all the dancing again (haha) I am back in the loop with my work and going to try and start bringing  this module to and end.

That's all my brain can manage to write at the minute as its been a long day but just thought I should get myself back on here.


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Task 3c- Sources of information!

Task 3c- Sources of information 

In this task we have been asked to identify our current 5 most important sources of information that help us in our professional networking. After some thinking I have came up with the top five, although there is some more I could add, but these I feel are the most valuable.

My friends 

I feel that this is one of my most important ways of networking and the one I enjoy the most. It doesn't feel like work or an effort for me to socialise and see my friends but I always gain some information from it. I could be meeting for a coffee or even a cheeky glass of wine and a conversation will always come up about an audition one of my friends may be attending that I had not heard about and now I have the opportunity to look it up. Or for example as we all know in this industry we are not always lucky enough to be performing all the time so it is nice to hear what other people are working on In-between jobs and get some ideas and contacts of them so you can apply for a part time job they have been doing . Meeting with friends is also about cooperation. Obviously if you are handing them lots of information about work and auditions and they are sitting there giving you nothing back then you need to maybe not have such a big mouth as you don't want to give everything and receive nothing back but I think we all know the people you can rely on. Its great to be able to talk with people who have the same interests and you and also give each other support as well as gaining some information for future opportunities.

Web 2.0

At the beginning of this module we looked at how effective the web 2.0 was in our professional practice. It is such a valid source of information. Without being able to send emails I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be to apply for jobs and casting agencies. It is so quick and easy to be able to upload your CV and head shots and send it to a casting director. Also the websites such as spotlight,casting call pro, and the stage are all excellent sites to be able to access on the Internet. Yes ok you can buy the stage newspaper in the shop but how about a circumstance happens when you abroad and you can't do that... Well with the Internet you can view that newspaper anywhere in the world and see what auditions are coming up. It's amazing!

Social networking sites

I go on my Facebook and twitter accounts so many times in a day... It's actually a little obsessive. I am not always going on there for work related reasons, most of the time just to be nosey at what all my contacts are up to but I can guarantee that most of the times I am on there I see information about an audition that someone has posted or something related to my profession which can help me in my future. Somebody may even update there status about a bad audition that they have had and you might not have spoken to that person in along time but seeing them on your news feed can make you get back in touch with them which then could open more doors for you as they are more than likely to have something coming up they might like to share information about with you. Also since beginning this course I have been introduced to blogs which I find is a great source of networking and will continue to use hopefully even after completing my degree.

My mobile phone 

Where I would be without my mobile phone I do not know. I am on it all the time. Especially nowadays they are so amazing, you can do everything on them. It is such an essential part of your profession that you have a phone so that your agent or a company that you have auditioned for can contact you. Also the technology on phones now are so great you can type in a location of somewhere you have to be and Your phone will direct you to it, you can find train times and if there's going to be a delay. It's important to have your phone on you all the time so if an emergency happens, for example you are going to be late to teach a class or unable to make a casting you can call up whoever you need to straight away.

My agent

My agent is the one source that can get me most of my auditions, or even better so the auditions that are private and more suitable for what it is I want to be auditioning for.
They have been part of the industry for a lot longer than me and have more valuable contacts and knowledge that can help me to further my career. My agent gives me advice on cv,s and head shots and knows what roles I am suitable for.

Like I mentioned earlier these are only some of the sources of information that play a vital part in developing and benefiting my profesional practice.  Professional networking is a highly important part of your career and I understand how important it is to engage and expand on them all of the time.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Task 3a- Current networks

Task 3a- Current networks 

In this profession, networking is something that we need to take quite seriously. If I chose to just sit at home and wait for something to happen in my career, I don't think I would get very far. It is essential to be active and engaging  with different ways you can help improve your professional practice.

Attending auditions for many performers can feel like a very repetitive experience. Most auditions that you go to you don't actually get the job, so you can begin to feel very disappointed in yourself and maybe like you don't want to go to the next audition because the same thing will happen again. Most  importantly you should not give up. Also,  attending an audition is a great way to network with other people who are there. 9 times out of 10 you will definitely hear from someone there about an audition they are attending the week later or even sometimes if you are cut from that audition, in the room next door there may be an open audition that you are lucky enough to go for while you are there. Bonus... Two auditions in one day! Another great thing about auditions is that a lot of the time you see the same panel of judges popping up. If you keep attending they are soon going to recognise you and eventually a role that is suited for you may come up and you might be just the person they had in mind. They might even watch you and see that you might not be right for that particular job but they may consider to send you for another audition that will be suitable for you.

One of my favourite ways of networking is with friends. I talk to my friends everyday and I always hear of auditions and castings coming up. In some cases I have been sent for an audition  for a job that one of my friends has already done, this gives me the opportunity to get some information from them about what the casting director might be looking for and even more helpful sometimes they might even be able to teach me some of the dance that I will be learning in the audition or recommend a song I should sing or give me advice on the clothing I should wear.
Whilst on the subject of talking, another great way to network is by getting out there to events and making contacts. For example, your friend asks you to go and watch her in a show. Then afterwards you have the choice to stay and go for a drink, or go home. The right choice I personally think here is to just stay for that one drink, you never know who you are going to meet in them after show drinks.Chances are the choreographers working in the show , directors etc.... You get my point. If you make a good impression and then the next week they are the judging panel, they might just remember you.

Social networking is another great opportunity for your professional network. I am a little bit obsessed with Facebook and twitter if I am honest. I am constantly refreshing my news feed every five minutes to see if anything new is going on but I don't think it is a bad thing. There is always some body up dating there status about whose going to the a certain audition tomorrow, or people asking has anyone got the sheet music for a song that they need. Without the social networking sites we wouldn't be able to do this. Think about it you don't have all the numbers in your phone book of all the people you are friends with on Facebook , that would just be too many, but it is great to be able to have all those contacts on the click of a computer screen and it's such a fast and easy way of sharing your information about upcoming events socially and professionally . This point being said, I don't think Facebook and twitter are such great ways of networking if maybe a casting director was able to access your Facebook. Sometimes it's not a good idea for them to see your personal life so I think a more professional and personal website should be used in this circumstance.

Making a good and long lasting impression on people that you work with is always something to think about. You never know it could lead to other opportunities. They are more likely to employ you again or even recommend you to another director/ choreographer.
Having a good relationship with your agent is something very important and I have to admit this is where I have not been as engaging as I should have been.  I know I should call my agent on a weekly basis to chat about the work I want to audition for and also generally about life to make sure I have a good strong relationship with him as he has a lot of other people to take care of as well, but I don't seem to put this into practice.  I am glad that this task has made me realise this and I am going to make sure I contact him more as he is really one of my main sources to get auditions and castings from.

There are also many websites out there which you can get a lot of information from about upcoming work like the stage, spotlight, and casting call pro. Theses are just a few examples.

As you can see there is such a wide range of networks to help in your professional practice and these are only a few that I use. I am  looking forward to learning more about professional networking in this part of the module, so for now that's all I have. Now to for reader 3, to help me expand my knowledge on the network professional.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Task 2d- Inquiry.

I found this task quite hard. It seems silly too as I just have to ask myself some questions and answer them but when I sit down and really think and put my thoughts into words I found myself almost confusing myself. Eventually after some deep thinking I came up with some answers and really enjoyed challenging my brain to think and reflect.

What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic? 

At the moment I am looking into hopefully becoming a teacher after completing this degree course. As it is something I have never really done a lot of before, I am currently researching and looking into ways of becoming a good teacher and what sort of teaching I would like to do. I am looking for a teaching assistant job or some small dance teaching jobs to try and gain some experience for in the future when i have my full teaching qualifications. I really look up to my old ballet teacher who I actually covered a class for a couple of weeks ago, at her dance school. She hasn't taught me now for about 6 years but out of all the teachers I have ever had throughout my dance training she seems to stick in my head. I admire her ways of teaching and watch her closely teaching the young children she teaches today and hope that one day I can be as inspiring as she is. I also admire my boyfriend and his patience and ambition that he has. He is a secondary school physical education teacher and after listening to some of the stories he tells me about his day I sometimes wonder how he gets up the next day and does it all again, but what I see when he's talking to me is his passion in what he is teaching. He wants to share his love for sport and help the younger generation achieve their dreams and goals and I hope one day I can also share my passion with others.

What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who also shares your feelings or has found a way to work around the sadness or anger? 

What really makes me angry in this profession is when I see people with less talent than me or some of my friends, getting a job that I feel they should not have got. I really don't believe in myself which has always been a big problem for me as if I don't believe in myself then who is going to? But what I am saying is that I do know the difference between say someone who can dance and someone who can't and if that person who can't dance keeps getting the job over the other person because of maybe someone they know or they are that little bit skinnier, well this really makes me angry. Unfortunately that is the way this industry works and you have to learn to deal with  it.  I admire basically everyone in this industry who gets on with it. I see a lot of my friends being upset when they get so close to getting their dream job but then I see how they pick themselves up and move on to the next audition. You have to find  a way to deal with it. Life's to short to best yourself up!

What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love? 

I love that buzz you get when you hear the music and your blood starts pumping and all you want to do is move and dance because it feels amazing. How wonderful that something that feels so good is your job and something you get to do everyday. I love that dancing is something that keeps your body fit and healthy without even realising it. Without even having to say " oh I must do some exercise today" you are naturally keeping your body active by doing something you enjoy doing. I love how when you are performing a drama piece how you can be made to act any character in the world, someone as far away from who you actually are but for that moment you get the chance to let yourself go and be something different. The opportunities of being a performer are also the chances you get to  travel. Look at me. I always had the passion to go travelling and I then I was offered a job on a cruise ship were I was able to dance everyday professionally and travel to so many counties around the world I had always dreamed of going, and I was getting paid for that! I admire all the performers out there who have put in the years of hard work to then be able to live and enjoy what they love doing.

What do you feel you don't understand? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you? 

I honestly don't understand we're my life will take me. I know maybe I am not supposed to but as a child I thought I would be in a girl band and and famous by 19, and probably married with children by the age of 25 and no way is that how my life is going or even how I would want it to! Can  you imagine kids in 3 years... Omg no! What I am saying is I don't understand how the world works sometimes and how even though my love for performing is so strong, how can I continue to live not getting to actually perform on a stage everyday like I dreamed. That is why I have decided to do this degree so I can still work with dance and drama but maybe not in the way that I hoped initially. I admire my mum for understanding my decision In this. All the hours and money she has put into my dancing I didn't want her to think I am was throwing it all away just because I was going to go into teaching more than performing and luckily she understands and supports me. I also admire all the girls and boys on this course who have chose to develop there passion and qualifications they have now into something more!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Reader 2... Kolb's learning cycle.

In Reader 2, The Reflective Practitioner, we are introduced to Kolb's learning cycle. He uses a cycle to show how we have an experience and then reflect on it, but basically he is saying that people enter the cycle at all different times depending on their circumstances and how they reflect
Concrete Experience, which is having your experience.
Reflective Observation, this is reflecting on the experience.
Abstract Conceptualisation, this is concluding and learning from the experience.
Active Experimentation, which is planning and trying out what you have learnt.

In the reader it asks you to identify at which point in Kolb's cycle do you feel you enter learning?
I feel like depending on what I am learning about or what I have been asked to do I enter the cycle at a different point. In the reader it talks about when we were making our blog. For this circumstance I
would say I entered at Reflective observation as I looked at so many peoples blogs to see how it worked as I had never used a blog before. I would also say  that I learnt from also trying things out so Active experimentation because once I set my blog up I took time to try out different layouts, fonts etc so I was experimenting and changing things to see which ones worked best for me.

If I take  the event a couple of days ago, which I talked about in my previous blog,were i was observing a dance class here I entered the cycle at Reflective observation because I was learning from the teacher and watching what went good and bad for her but I think when I eventually teach the class myself I am going to enter the cycle somewhere different like Concrete experience because actually being up there in front of children and teaching I am going to be actively thinking and reflecting what I am doing and what is and is not working!

Task 2b: ' Journal Writting Experience'

When I first saw this task I honestly thought to myself, what is the point in this. I love writing a dairy but why would I need to use different methods as I like the way I do it. But after experimenting with the different ways of writing a journal I now look back to my first initial thought and see how I was wrong to think like that as if you don't  try out different things in life and just stick to what is comfortable how can you ever know if there is a better method out there for you and how can you ever learn and improve!

The types of journal writing I feel that didn't  really work for me was Description and also writing a list.  With the description method i found myself wanting to go into more detail. Just describing what had happened in my day wasn't enough. I always wanted to evaluate aswell so maybe a mixture of description and evaluation  is a better option for me as I tend to want to express myself more. With the List writing, I thought this could be a good idea as its short and to the point and I tend to write a lot of lists on a daily basis but I noticed that my list became very, very long and each point turned into small paragraphs which I don't think is what a list is meant for. I think I will keep my lists for organising my days etc, instead of using it as a way of reflection.

I really had fun with the journal writing from Another view.  I think its really interesting to see how somebody else might see your day as it makes you look at yourself in a different way because somebody else is judging you. I chose one day to choose an object in my house which was ' the couch' as i had been at home most of the day. I found myself being very critical of what i had done and achieved that day but i think that was good because sometimes you don't see what you are doing that is wrong unless you are told from an outsiders point of view.  Another way of writing a journal i quite liked was the What if?  I think this is a fantastic way to look and see how you could have made your day better and also a method which is perfect for using for something you plan to do in the future. You can write down how your day could go from amazing to awful just by small choices you choose to make and therefore thinking ahead might lead you to making the correct decisions.

Overall i feel i have learnt so much from this ' Journal Writing Expereince' . Non of the methods of writing are right or wrong its just about finding the one that suits you best and helps you to reflect the most you can on your professional practice. I am glad i have been reminded of writing a journal again as it is something i enjoyed doing previously in my life and I am now going to continue to write a journal everyday .

 I feel like my mind is thinking differently now that I have read so much on how reflecting can improve you as a person in your profession. For example I was observing a dance class a few days ago as I am going to be covering for another teacher sometime next week and as I was sitting there watching, I was taking in everything that was happening and I was reflecting on how she taught the children. I made notes and when I got home, I reflected on things I thought was good about her ways of teaching and things I would have done differently. I also looked at the What if? method . Basically my train was delayed that morning and I was almost late to observe the first class. Although this is bad I am glad it happened the week before because if I was late when I was going to teach the  this would be even worse so now I have learnt from an experience that I should get the extra early train to avoid this happening.

In future when I am writing my journals my preferred method is Evaluation as i feel like i enjoy going into detail about my day and there are no limits as to what I can write. I also will use What If? and Another view as part of journal writing as i feel they work for me and help me to Reflect the best!

Task 2a: Reflective Practice

So far I have really enjoyed the  task of keeping a journal. Like I said in my previous blog it was something I have done a lot in my life, especially when I was a child. Reading back through some of my dairy's form when I was younger I was surprised to see that even then at a young age without realising it, I was reflecting and learning from events that were happening in my life. In my previous blog I spoke about how I was a little bit worried that what I was writing about wasn't relevant to what my professional practice is, both Clare Orlandi and Rosemary  gave some great comments that made me realise I had plenty to write about as just because I may not be performing at the moment does not mean that I do not take classes, go to the theatre, or a great point Clare said was that how i could write about my feelings of how it feels not to be performing.... am I enjoying the brake or is it frustrating ? So I had plenty to write about in my journals and found myself sometimes writting more than I needed to but I enjoyed expressing myself and refelcting back on my day as everyday there is awlays something different happening in our lives. 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Starting Part 2!!

So now we have moved on to Part 2 of module 1 which is all about reflection. The first task 2a, is to write a Reflective Journal. This journal we keep private. I have two thoughts on this task, one being positive and the other negative. Firstly my positive thought was that as a child I always kept a dairy of what I had done everyday and I really expressed my thoughts and feelings into this dairy so it wasn't something that was uncomfortable for me to do. I even recently worked on a cruise ship and as it was an experience of a lifetime that I never wanted to forget I decided to keep a journal everyday while I was away.  My negative thought to this task and something I would appreciate some feedback about is that at the moment, I don't have a job as a performer as most of you probably experience at some point,  so I feel like I don't know what to write about. I can happily write about what I do everyday and my feelings about this but I work in a bar at the minute so I feel like it is inappropriate to be writting my journal on this, but that is all I really have to write about at this present time.

But then again like I said in one of my very first blogs, there is no right or wrong, so even if for the moment what I am refelcting on isn't what I wish it to be, I will still be completing the tasks and learning about reflection and how this can help me in my professional practice.

And now I am goin to begin reading the next task reader course....

Task 1b... Professional Communication Technologies.

Task 1b... Professional Communication Technologies!
What is web 2.0? Well after reading the course reader several times I finally began to understand what the terms web 2.0 is. Little did I know I was using it every single day. In fact I use it so much I couldn’t even see how my day would be if I couldn’t get access to the social networking sites such as  facebook and twitter and am sure many of you agree with me here we are addicted to them.
Web 2.0 is simply a way for the user to communicate and interact with the creator. It is a form of networking which encourages participation.  Other examples of web 2.0 are blogs which we are using on a daily basis to complete this degree and without them we would not have the opportunity to do this course. O’Rielly talks about how web 2.0 sees contribution from the user which you don’t get with web 1.0 which is just about one way communication. The web is developing daily, improving and expanding in many ways.   Reich states how web 1.0 was expensive and took more time so only a small amount of people used it were as now communication costs are lower and have led to more people using the web. From teachers to politicians, almost anyone and everyone are using web 2.0 everyday. Reich talks about how Global communication is basically free nowadays.  Just look at how people who speak to their friends and family’s across the world on Skype, how fast and clear they see and hear each other, it’s really amazing.

I do believe that web 2.0 is a fantastic way of communicating and I think that the world would be lost without out it. It is also a  great way for us as performers to network with people in the industry. It is a quick and easy way for us to share information and also promote ourselves. I know there have been times were if it wasn’t for facebook there have been auditions or castings that I wouldn’t have known about so I am very grateful for this technology but like everything in life you have to remember that there are negatives and with web 2.0 you have to be careful not to believe everything that you read. O’Rielly makes a good point how not all the information on the web is actually reliable. I think you just have to be careful and wise as to what you read and also put onto the web. Before I started this degree I did not realise that the information on wikipedia was not ' semantic web' and could not be fully trusted.
Overall I am a big fan of web 2.0 as I believe it gives us many opportunities and is developing massively day by day which is extraordinary to watch. As long as you know how to use it correctly and to your advantage I see it being a great platform in the professional world.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

1st Capmus session- 9th October.

Hello . So on Tuesday I attended my first campus session along with a few others, I think in total there was about 9 of us.  Can I just say how glad I am that i was able to attend the session as  I really felt it helped me with things I did not understand and it was great to be able to work and discuss with other's in person which you can't do as easy at home. I think the main topic we looked at on Tuesday was the task 1b were we had been asked to Read the course reader on Professional Communication Technologies and comment on the theories and issues raised. For many people i believe they found it hard to understand the reader because of the writing and language used but what Rosemary did was set us various tasks to help us brake it down and by the end of the session everybody had such a better understanding of the reader and the task we were set to do. 
So now i am going to attempt task 1b!!! xx

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Task address

I am going to see if my flickr address works for now until i can sort out how to upload some pictures of my work onto there.


A different order for the tasks!

Ok so i have rewritten my CV as my profile and like i said earlier i am going to upload my CV when i can to show how i used it to write my profile. I have been trying to begin task 1b but after reading the reader and it taking me quite some time i think i need to read it again and again... hahha so i am going to focus on the other 2 tasks first before i can write about task 1b. But i need some help because i have registered with flickr for task 1d, but i can't seem to upload any pictures. I am using an ipad at the moment so if anybody knows what the problem might be with me not being able to choose a file from the ipad to upload onto flickr that would be very useful. x

Task 1a... Current CV rewritten as my blog profile.

I am Chelsie Johnson and i am 22 years old. I am originally from Liverpool but currently live in London. My love for dance began from the age of 11 when i attended Elliot Clarke School Of Dance and Drama. There i took many exams in ISTD and RAD ballet tap and modern. After attending Elliot Clarke for several months i applied to be an associate with The Royal Ballet School where i was lucky enough to gain a place. Twice a month i traveled to Birmingham/Manchester to take classes with the Royal Balllet School. Whilst still attending Elliot Clarke i took part in several shows at my local theatre in Liverpool to gain some experience of performing. Some examples were Whistle Down The Wind, Joseph And The Technicolour Dreamcoat and Sleeping Beauty which was for English Youth Ballet company.
At the age of 16 after completing my GCSE's at Notre Dame Catholic College, i decided to move  to London to pursue my career in becoming a professional dancer. I was lucky enough to gain a place at Rambert School Of Ballet And Contemporary Dance which was  a 3 year degree course. After my first year at Rambert i decided that the course wasn't suitable for me so i auditioned for more vocational dance colleges across the country. After many auditions i was successful in gaining a place at the famous Laine Theatre Arts. I trained at Laine's for 3 years and in 2010 graduated from there with a National Diploma in Dance. During my time at Laine's i took part in the school's end of year performances but it wasn't until i graduated that the professional work began.
In September 2010 i joined the Silver Wind cruise ship with Jean Ann Ryan Productions as a Singer/Dancer. Not only was i working as a performer which is what i had trained so many years for and loved to do but i was also cruising around the world for 7 months which was such and incredible experience. Being away from family and friends and also seeing so many different cultures everyday makes you learn so much about the world and about yourself.
Once returning to London after the cruise ship i was unemployed and  had to find a job that was not performing as i needed to have money to survive and live in London so i worked in the restaurant, Planet Hollywood in Londons Haymarket. Whilst studying at Laine's i had worked part time as a sales assistant at Harrods and other department stores around London but i decided not to go back to that genre of work now i was having to work full time and audition too i felt that working as a waitress was more suitable for the hours i needed as it was very flexible.
At Christmas 2011 i was performing again as an ensemble member for Qdos entertainment in the pantomime production of Sleeping Beauty. This was at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle. When my contract finished i returned to London once again unemployed in the performers industry so i applied for a job at All Bar One working as a waitress. I am currently still working at All Bar One alongsides auditioning and have just started my BA Honours Degree in Professional Practise Arts.

Taking my time!

Ok, so i have been taking my time to get used to using the libguides and trying to understand what its all about. I have been reading alot of people's blogs to try and see what is expected of me and i must admit at first i did panic because i was looking at tasks that we have not even been asked to do yet. I also was worried about how to complete the tasks that we have been asked to because looking at people's blogs it seems everybody has approached the tasks in different ways. For example, task 1a which is to take your current cv and update as your blog profile, many people uploaded there cv's and changed them to improove while others did not upload there cv's at all and just wrote their profile. What i have learnt from looking at other people's blogs is that there is no right or wrong. This whole way of learning is to put your own interpretation into the tasks and whilst looking at others work, you are learning and taking ideas of way's you might like to approach the work given.

So now looking at task 1a... I wrote in the 'About me ' part of my blog and i thought at first that was enough information for my profile blog but after looking at other people's approach to the task and after re-reading what the task actually asks i have decided to write a longer and more detailed profile about myslef using both my performers CV and my ' normal work' CV joining them together as i feel that both are just as important.
At the moment both my Cv's are not up on my blog as i havn't got a way of uploading them but as soon as i get a chance i will so that you can see how i used them to rewrite my profile and how they improoved.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

First Blog!

So here i am wriiting my very first blog :) It's all very new to me but am sure i will get the hang of this. It was quite fun to create. I had a little play around with colours and fonts which reminded me of being young again and how making everythink pink was very satisfying... i dont think much has changed there because my whole blog is pink!!
Anyway that's all for now.